General Consumer Issues

We understand that sometimes it is easier to learn by watching a video and that you may also want to get a feel for who we are and how we discuss legal matters.

We welcome you to view our videos below – you can simply click on the button that appeals to you and we hope that the videos you find will be very helpful to you.

Why We Are Consumer Protection Attorneys

Why We Are Consumer Protection Attorneys (Updated April 19, 2020) Like most people, we get asked “what we do” by people and as we answer that we will usually say that “I am a consumer lawyer.” Which leads to several questions which we thought we would go ahead and address here. What Is A Consumer Lawyer Or A Consumer Protection Attorney? A consumer lawyer or a consumer protection attorney is a lawyer that fights for his or her clients who… (Read more)

Why We Recommend Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested When Dealing With Consumer Protection Issues

Why We Recommend Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested When Dealing With Consumer Protection Issues Introduction Whenever you communicate with a debt collector, credit reporting agency (Equifax, Experian, Trans Union, etc), or your mortgage company, we always recommend that you do so by certified mail, return receipt requested. Sometimes our clients want to know why is it so important and why is it not good enough to just fax or mail a letter in a cheaper manner.  Or send an email.… (Read more)

Two Reasons Why We Recommend You Not Record Phone Calls in Alabama

Two Reasons Why We Recommend You Not Record Phone Calls in Alabama We are often asked if abusive debt collectors should be recorded. The short answer is “No.” The longer answer is, “Not usually.” There is a lot of information on the internet about recording calls. We wrote this free report to help give you our perspective so you can have more information to make the right choice on whether or not to record calls when dealing with an abusive… (Read more)