Testimonials – Sued By A Debt Collector
I was sued in small claims by a debt buyer. I have never been sued before so this was a very upsetting situation for me. I didn’t know what to expect next. I had all these questions going through my mind as to what was going to happen. Luckily I found out about John Watts at Watts & Herring through a youtube video. I contacted the office and talked with Carolyn. She was very nice and assured me that everything… (Read more)
I contacted Watts and Herring to gain some information regarding a case. I initially spoke with John’s assistant, Carolyn, and she took down the details of my inquiry and set up a call for me and John for the next day. The conversation I had with John was very informative and relaxed. John gave real life scenarios for my situation, and left me with varied options. I went in very apprehensive, and ended the phone call with a different peace… (Read more)
I found John after a lot of search for a decent lawyer in and around Huntsville, AL. Before I met John, I could it find any lawyer who could understand my case, let alone have a plan to tackle it. John took his time to understand, think through my case and plan the solution in detail. He is an excellent legal mind who cares for the best path for client – a rare combination. I would definitely recommend just running… (Read more)
Spoke with Carolyn and John. Both were wonderful. They were very thorough and made us feel comfortable. During our initial consult John provided great information and guidance in an easy to understand manner. Highly recommend this firm! Miriam was a client who came to us for advice on her unique situation. First of all, we’d like to thank Miriam for her kind testimonial! We are glad we were able to help you with your case. Also, we want to commend… (Read more)
Renee Smith was a client of ours who was dealing with a debt collector. She was kind enough to leave us a testimonial of her experience with our firm. When I received information regarding a company attempting to sue me, I was sad, worried and upset. I had never been sued or in any legal trouble before so I had no idea where to turn. I decided to go online and do some research on solutions and upon doing so… (Read more)
Mark Hodgson was a client of ours who was dealing with a debt collector. He was kind enough to send us a testimonial of his experience with us. John and his staff are amazing. A debt company sued me i contacted john and within 2 weeks they had resolved everything . If you are being sued contact john before you do anything, John and his team will walk you through everything and put your mind at ease. Thanks john First… (Read more)
Robin was a consumer that called our firm for information. She was kind enough to leave us a testimonial, which we would like to share with you. John was very easy to talk to, listened and gave options. His paralegal Randi is great too! I would highly recommended John and his team. They answered all my questions and helped me to get things settled. Robin, Thank you for the feedback! Our goal is always to help good people like you… (Read more)
This Alabama consumer was dealing with being sued by debt buyers and contacted us for help. They were kind enough to leave us a testimonial of their experience with our firm, which we would like to share with you. Watts and Herring, LLC is an outstanding law firm. They have represented me in several cases and won every one of them. John and his staff are extremely knowledgeable, professional, and compassionate. John explains the process clearly and ensures his clients… (Read more)
Just a question I called regarding a garnishment that I have that has been going on for a while. I was immediately put a the phone with someone who looked into my case and went over my options. She tried her hardest and found a possible solution for me even though she didn’t have to. I wish I would have found them sooner! Sometimes you face a difficult situation, such as wage garnishment, and you simply need some answers. … (Read more)
Tim is an Alabama consumer who was dealing with a debt buyer. He was very kind and left a review of us, which we would like to share with you. Tim’s review: I got sued by a debt buyer and I didn’t know what to do or how to handle this so I started doing internet searches for my options. Everywhere I turned was one name that stood out over the rest and it was John watts. I was skeptical… (Read more)
Nita was sued by a debt collector and had to make some decisions about what to do. She reached out to us and we were happy to represent her. This is her review she recently left about her experience with our firm: I received a notice i had been sued by a debt collector. I was so upset and had no idea what i was going to do. I found John through a search on google. I am so glad… (Read more)
Frederick is an Alabama consumer who was sued by a debt collector (also known as a junk debt buyer). We are always suspicious of debt collector suits as the debt collectors are notorious for suing people who do not owe the debt or the debt collector does not own the debt. Here is what Frederick had to say (you can read our Avvo reviews here): Attorney Watts and his team listened to my case and explained clearly my options. He… (Read more)
Attorneys are pretty specialized and even attorneys that deal with bankruptcy or other financial matters may not know about all the laws — and ways to properly use the laws — related to other consumer protection areas such as being sued by a debt collector. This would be a debt buyer such as Asset Acceptance, LVNV Funding, Midland Funding, Unifund, etc. Here is a short testimonial from a lawyer who asked us to help him with a debt buyer lawsuit… (Read more)
Regina, like so many other Alabama consumers, was sued by Midland Funding who claimed (but couldn’t prove) it owned an old debt. Midland sued — which they are good at doing — but Midland did not prove its case. Here is what Regina said over on our Facebook page (Alabama Consumer Protection Attorneys): I couldn’t have won my case against Midland without all of the advice from you! A million thanks! Now Regina will look to finish the good work… (Read more)
Here is a very nice review from Michael on our Facebook page (Alabama Consumer Protection Attorneys) who was sued by Midland Funding. As you may know, Midland Funding is one of the biggest debt collectors (debt buyers) and they file hundreds and hundreds of lawsuits each month in Alabama. Most consumers have good options when dealing with Midland — and I don’t mean to file bankruptcy or pay Midland — but most consumers simply don’t know their options and rights.… (Read more)
Shannon was sued by the debt buyer (debt collector) Midland Funding which files many thousands of lawsuits a year in Alabama. She describes her experience below (also here on our Avvo profile which lists most of our reviews) and we appreciate her kind thoughts and the opportunity we had to help her. AMAZING! We were scared, confused, angry, and feeling rather hopeless. Then we scheduled a consultation. John Watts stepped in and took charge of a case we could not… (Read more)
You can read the review on my Avvo profile here. When you are sued by a debt buyer, it is often doable to represent yourself if you have the time and determination to do it but other times it makes more sense to hire an attorney. We appreciate clients putting their trust in us to help them through difficult situations. Mr. Watts was amazing! I am so glad that I called. I received a court summons and had no idea… (Read more)
Susan has been a great client and took every step we asked her to take so she could be successful in the lawsuit filed against her by a debt buyer. She wrote this review of her experience with our law-firm a few weeks ago and we have copied it below: John Watts is truly one of the good guys. He represented me in a lawsuit filed by a debt collector that has a notorious reputation for breaking the law while… (Read more)
John helped when a loan company of which I had done business was intimidating me to pay more than I owed. Had it not been for John’s wise council, I would have been a victim of their intimidation. John is one of the most professional, caring, and trustworthy people I know. With his expertise, he helped guide me through and I won my case. I appreciate his hard work and dedication and the personal care he gave me as a… (Read more)
Angie is a great client and we have enjoyed representing her. She has dealt with debt collectors in both being sued but also in suing a debt collector. We appreciate Angie describing her experience and thoughts about our firm: I have used John previously in a lawsuit which we won and both him and Stan did an excellent job. John is very professional, caring and most of all trustworthy (which isn’t a word you hear to often associated with the… (Read more)
Craig describes his experience with Watts & Herring on a debt collection lawsuit and we appreciate the way that he fought hard for his rights and hired us to be able to help him be successful: The law firm of Watts and Herring handled my issues with professional courtesy. Their office kept me updated on the status of my case throughout the entire process. The service and cost was way better than I could have ever expected for this… (Read more)
Denise was sued by a debt collector (debt buyer) and was looking for information about what her rights were and what options she had open to her. We are glad she reached out to us. Many consumers think we can only help in the Birmingham area but we represent clients from everywhere in Alabama. We thank Denise for her review and testimonial: I’ve never been sued by a debt collector before. When I received the summons, I had no clue… (Read more)
Michael was dealing with a a debt collector and he hired our firm to represent him against this debt buyer. While it was quite a while ago, he was kind enough to recently leave us a review and testimonial of his experience with our firm: Hiring Mr. John Griffin Watts was one of the best decisions I could have made. Mr. Watts was very professional in his representation and was quick in getting me the settlement we agreed that I… (Read more)
Douglas is like a lot of Alabama consumers — facing some difficult financial times. Then on top of this, he faced a debt collector who was not playing by the rules. We appreciate the confidence he had in hiring us on his debt collection matter and also thank him for his kind review of Watts & Herring: It wasn’t until I met John that my opinion of Attorneys forever changed. I felt none of them truly cared, until I met… (Read more)
Attorneys are like everyone else — the economic downturn and personal challenges can cause financial difficulties. We have had a number of lawyers hire us to help them when they have dealt with debt collectors suing or who need to be sued. Here is one example from my Avvo.com profile which lists some reviews: I contacted John Watts in early 2013 when I was being sued by a junk debt buyer. I am an attorney and even I was confused,… (Read more)
Stephanie was sued by a debt buyer as many Alabama consumers are these days. She quickly turned to my law partner Stan Herring, who is from Mobile and will soon be opening our Mobile office, to defend her in this lawsuit. The lawsuit was quickly dropped and Stan received this note from Stephanie: Stan, This is so minimal for what you did for me, but THANK YOU 🙂 I truly can’t thank you enough for taking this burden off of… (Read more)
Travis lives in Alabama and was dealing with an infamous debt buyer (debt collector) who ultimately sued him in Alabama state court. Travis contacted us and we were happy to have the opportunity to successfully represent Travis and he had this to say about his experience in a review he left on our Avvo profile: I had consistent harassing phone calls from bottom dweller debt collectors for a very long time but just learned to deal with it until one… (Read more)
John Watts is unlike any lawyer I have ever met. He is personable, knowledgeable, respectful, and an all around great guy. I met John because I had been sued by someone I didn’t even know, for a debt I didn’t know existed. Panic set in. I was horrified, and had no idea what to do. That is when I called John. He explained things to me in a manner that was easy to understand and quieted my fears. He took… (Read more)
Christopher was dealing with abusive debt collectors and after his case was resolved he wrote us a handwritten note which we have typed below: Dear Watts & Herring, I just wanted to thank you for your hard work (you made it look easy) on my case. I have learned a lot from you and your knowledge of the law and my rights. I spent a long time saying to myself “The law wants to help them (debt collectors) but who… (Read more)
I was struggling trying to defend a lawsuit on my own. I had very few options as I was in debt and being sued with the very real possibility of losing the case. With the potential loss of the lawsuit I was facing garnishment of my wages which would have been catastrophic for my family. Because I was being sued I started getting advertisement letters from attorneys. Mr. John Watts advertisement letter was the second one that I received. The… (Read more)
“John is a dedicated consumer law attorney who works hard to protect the rights of consumers against unscrupulous businesses.” We thank Birmingham, Alabama personal injury attorney Patrick Ballard of the Ballard Law Office for his nice comments about us.… (Read more)
“I have known John for several years. When it comes to representing his clients, John is caring, compassionate, and aggressive. John has taken on some of the largest financial institutions for failure to properly report his clients’ credit and violating the fair credit reporting act, for violating the fair debt collection laws, for allowing his clients identity to be stolen, and for other collection and fraud issues. John is VERY knowledgeable in this area of law, and I highly recommend… (Read more)
Matthew Dunaway is a long time bankrupcty and consumer litigation attorney in Birmingham, Alabama, and we have worked together on cases together for many years. Matt was kind enough to say the following: “I have know and worked with John for over ten years. We have worked on numerous cases together. Not only does John bring legal intelligence to the cases he works on, he also brings something quit rare in the legal profession…wisdom. John represents and advises his clients… (Read more)
This is a testimonial from a client in Birmingham, Alabama, who was sued by a debt buyer. We initially communicated through email and then a call was set up with us. Then an office appointment to see if it was a good fit for us to work together. We enjoyed working with Cliff and appreciate his kind testimonial. John was an absolute pleasure to work with. He made me feel extremely comfortable from the moment we met. The thing I… (Read more)
Here is a very nice endorsement I received from Paula Greenway who is a well known Birmingham bankruptcy attorney. I endorse this lawyer. John is a very knowledgeable attorney in the field of Consumer Protection and Fair Debt Collection. He does a fine job for his clients and obtains favorable results with the courts. I have referred many clients to him and would do so again in the future… (Read more)
Having represented several major credit card companies, I have mixed feelings about seeing John Watts’ name appear on the other side of one of my cases. On the one hand, I know I better have an airtight and thoroughly prepared case to have any chance of getting a verdict against his client. On the other, I know I’ll be treated courteously and with the utmost respect.… (Read more)
I thought that I would have to deal with my debt on my own for the rest of my life and quite frankly I did not know what I was going to do. I hated the way being in debt made me feel and the insecurities I had in dealing with my creditors and even a pending judgement. I set out on a quest to find someone who could help me when I ran across John Watts’ website. I viewed… (Read more)
Honest straight forward real answers. That sums up my experience with John. I was being sued by a debt collector when I called John. He wasted no time getting back with me and explained my options and then followed up with everything he said he would do. He won my case and then sued them and won again when they didn’t get it off my credit report. I then was sued again by another credit card company and again he… (Read more)
I’m a single mom of two boys and having just gone through a horrible divorce started receiving letters and phone calls from a company I have never heard of. I had no idea who this was (debt buyer LVNV) or that I owed them money. I explained my situation to them and that the particular amount they said I owed had been payed off in 2005. This was not even the credit company that the money was borrowed from in… (Read more)
We received a summons we knew was incorrect, but the credit agencies were not interested at all in reviewing our request. I reached out to John Watts and was immediately put at ease that there were options for us. He clearly explained our rights under the credit laws and listened to my concerns. He was diligent in filing our complaints and interceding for us with the credit company, and was able to correct the situation far above what we had… (Read more)
We were targeted by a bully debt collector and felt very intimidated. John helped us understand our rights and explained to us how we can use the legal system to stand up for ourselves. He walked us through every step and we could not be happier with our results.… (Read more)
I met John last May after being sued for credit card debt. John represented me against the junk debt buyer and won the case outright. I have since learned about consumer protections in place and continue to exercise my rights. I have collected monies from one collection agency already on FDCPA violations and have two more suits yet to be filed this fall. These debt collection agencies are clearly guilty of violating federal law and they too will be writing… (Read more)
I was being sued by MCM holding for a debt that had been sold twice. Not only had my debt been sold to other collection agencies before, it had exceeded the statue of limitaions. I began to research on the internet and ran into John Griffin Watts, their website was FILLED with valuable information. They have news letters and information that they will send to your e-mail address, all this will help you build a case against your debt collector.… (Read more)
John Watts is a man I trust whole heartedly with any decisions or advice regarding my safety & protection as a consumer. John empowers me to be confident that as a consumer there are many rights and actions available to me. Making the decision to acknowledge these rights are responsibilities that we, as consumers, must be accountable for. It is a rare circumstance these days to find an individual like John Watts – his intent is genuine advocacy & consumer… (Read more)
When I first received notification from LVNV that they were suing me, I was devastated and did not know where to turn. I was embarrassed and was afraid they would contact my employer. After many nights of no sleep, I googled “what to do if sued by debt collector” and I immediately found the information John had posted on their website regarding what a debt collector can and cannot do. There is so much information there! I spoke with John… (Read more)
I found myself being sued by Midland Credit Management, alleging they were the owner of my credit card debt unpaid balance. Being sued is certainly intimidating and worrisome at best. Living in Maine, I contacted attorney after attorney only to find none interested in taking my case in small claims court. Out of desperation I was forced to defend myself. I researched everywhere and anywhere on the internet, bought books on the subject, contacted online advocates and by the grace… (Read more)
Above all, John cares about his clients and righting wrongs when they get pushed around. His clients come first, and he is not afraid of taking on the Goliaths in this country who take advantage of consumers whenever they can. John is also among the sharpest lawyers around, committed to paving new paths for his clients in the field of consumer law. I can’t imagine anyone I would rather have on my side!… (Read more)
I have known John for over 10 years. John is an exceptional lawyer and a legal intellectual. He is a man of faith who tirelessly endeavors to serve his clients, the community, and the law. John has tremendous character in the representation of his clients and the virtue to do so with honesty and integrity.… (Read more)
I would highly recommend this attorney. He helped my father after the unexpected loss of my mother with some very difficult financial problems with credit card companies. Don’t know what we would have done without John and Randi.… (Read more)
Why they are not so busy to help in times of need is beyond me. People who need help just seem to take their time calling for help. JOHN AND STAN AND THE OFFICE STAFF HEATHER AND RANDI are great and want to help solve our issues with creditors, they have been a great resource to us and continue to be the strong help needed to face the adversarial creditors who don’t want to help us. Don’t be afraid to… (Read more)
John Watts and his staff have been a Godsend to us. They have helped us stop the harassing telephone calls and letters from debt collection companies and instead of them suing us we sued them. When we didn’t know which way to turn they showed us that there was a way out of the darkness. He treated us with respect, never judging or condemning us. We always felt that during consultation there was nothing more important at that moment than… (Read more)
A debt collector was wreaking havoc on my life. First the letters and phone calls, then a judgment and finally they tried garnishment of wages! That’s when I called John. He explained to me they were breaking the law. Within no time the bullies left me alone. John was able to clear my name from the judgment and the debt. I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of the settlement. I would recommend John to anyone having trouble with debt… (Read more)
I called this law firm asking questions about a lawsuit that was against my wife. I didn’t actually talk to John Watt’s but to his paralegal. She was the best she was real knowledgeable, sympathetic, and listened well she helped guide me through this situation very well. In the end the lawsuit ended up getting thrown out and we will never have to deal with it again. Thank you for all of your help.… (Read more)
I had debt collectors calling me over bills that were not mine! The debt collectors had also reported these inaccurate debts to all three collection agencies. Some even tried to sue me! I contacted John and he was instantly willing to help me. He is very knowledge in this area of the law. John was able to stop the harassing phone calls, clear my credit reports of all false information, and did a wonderful job representing me in the court.… (Read more)
I was in the process of being sued for a debt that I was not responsible for. I consulted an attorney who advised me that regardless of the circumstances I had to pay the debt and that the only thing he could do for me was buy me more time. I was frantic. Then my daughter-in-law recommended the Watts Law Firm. The case turned out in my favor. These people are true professionals; experts in this area of law. They… (Read more)
I was being sued by MCM holding for a debt that had been sold twice. Not only had my debt been sold to other collection agencies before, it had exceeded the statue of limitations. I began to research on the internet and ran into John Griffin Watts, their website was FILLED with valuable information. They have newsletters and information that they will send to your e-mail address, all this will help you build a case against your debt collector. My… (Read more)
John is easygoing and a pleasure to work with, but he’s also a strong advocate and knows how to get the most for his clients. Very knowledgeable about consumer law, especially about all these mortgage issues.… (Read more)
I met John last May after being sued for credit card debt. John represented me against the junk debt buyer and won the case outright. I have since learned about consumer protections in place and continue to exercise my rights. I have collected monies from one collection agency already on FDCPA violations and have two more suits yet to be filed this fall. These debt collection agencies are clearly guilty of violating federal law and they too will be writing… (Read more)
I endorse this lawyer for efforts in educating the public about many legal issues.… (Read more)
I endorse this lawyer’s work. John has become an accomplished attorney prosecuting credit reporting agencies and unscrupulous creditors for violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and has obtained good results on behalf of Alabama consumers.… (Read more)
Having worked with John on cases, I can say he is an astute and highly qualified lawyer. John takes his clients’ cases very seriously and devotes himself to bringing about the best result possible for every client.… (Read more)
I have known John and he is very well respected and does top quality work in protecting and assisting consumers with financial and debt issues. In the past I have had issues with clients relating to credit card debt and John was the lawyer I turned to, to get advice and direction. He is truly the top in this field of law.… (Read more)
I endorse this lawyer’s work. John and I have worked on a project together and he is an excellent lawyer who is genuinely concerned for his clients.… (Read more)
I have worked with John Watts on a legal matter and can attest to his solid legal mind as well as his high professional character. John is well recognized as a leader in the Alabama legal community in the areas of foreclosures, fair debt collection, credit reporting and consumer law. He has my highest endorsement.… (Read more)
I have known John Watts for several years, and through that time, I have come to know John as an attorney of integrity who will fight for his client’s rights. In light of the current economic crisis, John has studied issues related to wrongful foreclosures and other foreclosure issues, and as a result, he has been able to help his clients prevent abusive practices from financial institutions. In addition, John has helped clients recover compensation as a result of abusive… (Read more)
I have known John for over ten years. He does excellent work and really cares about his clients. If you feel that your home is being foreclosed upon wrongfully, John is the guy to see!… (Read more)

My name is John Angwin. Several weeks ago my wife found Mr. John Watts. She called and talked to him. He sounded very receptive. A couple of weeks ago I came in and met with one of his assistants, Randi Kerr. She was fantastic. When I came in, I didn’t know if there would be light at the end of the tunnel. That afternoon when I left, I knew that there was light at the end of the tunnel. This… (Read more)

Hi, my name is Deanna. I have recently been involved in a dispute with another company that was actually suing me for some funds that I never knew about. I have gotten in contact with John and Stan here. They helped me so much. They gave me so much information so I can make sure that doesn’t happen again, and I can do some preventive maintenance. Also, I put the account in their hands and they took care of everything.… (Read more)

Hello, my name is Tim Barnes. Several months ago, I was sued by someone I’ve never heard of. I didn’t know who they were. I was very nervous and scared. I called John Watts. I went to his office, spoke to him, and he explained what I needed to do. He went to court with me. We won our case. I was extremely happy. Since that time, I’ve had several other questions. I’ve called and they’ve been always very helpful,… (Read more)

I just won my case with John Watts and Stan Herring. I found myself being sued by a creditor that said they owned the debt that I’d never heard of and never dealt with. I was searching for some help and I came across their website, probably just like you’re doing now. I thought at first that it was a gimmick or whatever. I had to try something, so I tried. I can recommend these people more than anything. They… (Read more)
John is very knowledgeable of the matters he handles. He has not only represented me but he maintains an open line of communication with his clients. I feel comfortable calling him to ask for advice. I would definitely use him again if the need arises.… (Read more)
I am one of those that thought I could never stand a chance against the unlawful actions of the biggest violators of law in America. I was just a “consumer” which by corporate definition is a “nobody” that no one cares about. Talk about being wrong!!! John and Randi saved my bacon, and the bacon I needed to provide for my family from a very large and obviously well monied collection agency. I will continue to use him, and consider… (Read more)
John has a way of explaining legal matters that removes the mystery and intimidation that I would normally feel. I have watched his videos and listened to his teleseminars on various consumer law topics and he has a way of simplifying the law into useful information for those of us who aren’t lawyers but who need guidance. When I had questions about Power of Attorney and Living Wills, etc. to help with my aging mother, he took the time to… (Read more)
John Watts assisted me with violations of the TCPA & FDCPA due to identity theft issues. When John and I sat down, and began reviewing my information he took each situation we were dealing with, and explained it to me in detail. He also provided me with reports, and links to videos on each topic to better educate me. John really goes the extra mile to educate his clients on their case. John also assisted me in disputing the discrepancies… (Read more)
John was very helpful to me in defending me in a law suit brought by a junk debt buyer. I even received a cash settlement because of the collections agencies failure to follow the law – Thanks to John and Stan for all their help!… (Read more)
John Watts and his staff assisted me with TCPA, FDCPA, and Third Party Contact Claims against debt collectors. Debt Collectors were contacting my parents, calling me at work, and calling my daughter’s cell phone for a debt the collectors had been made aware was fraudulent. It had gotten to the point that my wife, and I spent more time arguing over debt collectors calling then we did enjoying the small amount of time we have together. Then we found Watts… (Read more)
Mr. Watts has successfully represented me in over seven cases against abusive debt collectors. I fully recommend Mr. Watts and his team.… (Read more)
Being harassed by debt collectors can be very upsetting but there is hope. You can stop the abuse and get compensation for what you were put through by abusive debt collectors. Here is a testimonial (and you can read more at my Avvo profile) about this type of situation: Upon entering their office during the Christmas holidays of 2009, I was an emotional wreck. With much worry about losing our house, being harassed by a debt collector, the guilt and… (Read more)
Amanda is a consumer in Alabama who describes what it was like to find out there was a bogus debt on her credit report, she was sued by a debt collector for this bogus debt, and so she did the smart thing which is to take action. She started investigating her rights and then she took massive action. You can read many of our reviews on my Avvo profile but it is copied below also: When I pulled my credit… (Read more)
Most financial problems result from some unexpected change in life — divorce, health issue, loss of job, or loss of a loved one. Missy lives in Alabama and she came to us as her father was really struggling with financial issues related to credit card companies after his wife passed away. Here’s what Missy had to say: I would highly recommend this attorney. He helped my father after the unexpected loss of my mother with some very difficult financial problems… (Read more)