Welcome to ForeclosureDVD.com where you can learn how to stop your Alabama foreclosure

You are here because you are looking for ways to stop the upcoming foreclosure on your home in Alabama — the good news being at ForeclosureDVD.com is exactly the right place for you.

This will not be a long article — instead, we encourage you to watch the video to discover more of your rights and options.  There is a ton of practical information in this video along with the worksheet.  After you finish it, if you want a consultation with us, call us at 205-879-2447 and we will explain our consultation charge along with our 100% money-back guarantee.  Due to the volume of requests, we can no longer do free consultations on foreclosures. But the information in this video at ForeclosureDVD.com is extremely valuable and then if you want to chat with us, we can focus on solutions and not background information.

(If you want to read some longer articles we suggest:  The secret that your mortgage company does not want you to know about and the critical keys to understanding if your notice of default letter is defective).

And to make this video the most valuable for you, please click the button below to get access to the free workbook.

Here are a few things you will find in the workbook:

Our three step process that we now use to help people stop foreclosures.  The world of foreclosures and mortgage companies have changed dramatically so what we did even a year ago is now not the best approach.

The mortgage companies are constantly figuring out new ways to break the law so have to adapt to protect homeowners.

You’ll find our three step process simple and clear and easy to understand.

The workbook also includes this helpful “Personal Information Sheet” to put the critical information all in one place.  No matter what decision you make, having this information handy will help you greatly.

We know you are facing a difficult situation facing a foreclosure.

Having this workbook will help you to:

  • Organize your thoughts
  • Understand exactly where you are in the foreclosure process
  • Determine your best option to stop the foreclosure on your home

We look forward to helping you any way that we can.

Congratulations for taking action — so many do nothing.  But you are taking action, which is a very good sign for your success in overcoming this great challenge of a pending foreclosure.

John Watts

PS — call us at 205-879-2447 and ask for Randi or you can click the button above for the worksheet and we’ll get in touch with you also.



  1. Alabama consumers are facing foreclosures at a record pace — some are legitimate but many foreclosures are illegal and should be stopped or undone if they have already occurred.

    It is possible to stop a foreclosure in Alabama — here are the ways:

    Sue your mortgage company as you have the right to do under your mortgage

    Reinstate the loan

    File bankruptcy (usually chapter 13)

    Obtain loss mitigation (usually a loan modification)

  2. Fred Franke says:

    John or Randi–

    I’ve read several of the articles and just completed watching the video. I need help. I live in south Louisiana, not Alabama, but I need your help. If y’all cannot do cases in Louisiana, who can you recommend that has the insightful information that you’ve guided my steps to this point.

    I have 2 weeks and a day (August 29) left before the foreclosure sale. Our goal is to postpone the foreclosure to allow us 2-3 months to sell our home and then pay off the mortgages.

    I leave you with my number and email addresses. Please get back with me as soon as you’re able.

    Many Thanks and Blessings…


  3. […] Maybe you are facing a foreclosure — go through our free training course here to get some ideas on how to deal with a threatened Alabama foreclosure. […]

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